Weifang Anwei Chemical Co., Ltd. is one of China's professional manufacturers of special chemicals. We develop, produce specialty chemicals and sell our products worldwide through cooperation with multinational companies. We are committed to producing specialty chemicals in a professional way-cost-effective, quality-assured, and environmentally-friendly.
We are committed to communicating with employees, customers and governments in an open and honest manner. We will do our best to ensure that our factories produce in a safe and environmentally friendly manner, and we strive to ensure that our employees and customers move, use, recycle and scrap our products in a safe manner. We are also committed to creating value to our customers, employees, shareholders and society.
In accordance with Anwei's original commitment to environment, health and safety, we strive to operate our business in a safe and environmentally friendly manner. These commitments include zero casualties for employees, zero accidents in production safety, and zero accidents in environmental harm. Our employees are committed to creating sustainable value, protecting the environment, and ensuring their own safety.